I just put a posting up at Craigslist for some kittens my parents are giving away. They're adorable but my parents already have too many cats by far -- hopefully this way the kittens will make their way to a good home and a good life. And why not, I'll include the ad below. After all, is there anything that can't be made just a little bit better by adding some pictures of really cute kittens?

A wild cat had kittens in my parent's backyard. They recently caught and tamed the kittens so that they wouldn't end up wild too.
The kittens are eating solid food and water, and are just entering that adorable stage where they seem to do nothing but purr, play and sleep. They haven't been vaccinated yet, and we're requesting that you promise to do so when they're old enough as a condition of taking them.
If you don't currently have any cats, I would recommend taking not one kitten, but two. Kittens bond very closely with their littermates and will be friends and playmates for life. If you already have a cat, especially a female, it will often serve as a surrogate mother -- depending on it's temparment, of course!
Phone: (916) 681-3871 for details or email jhomeric at jps dot net.

I wish I could have a kitten! So cute!
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