Friday, May 20, 2005

This will be the final entry for this log, under it's curent title at least, as the honeymoon is sadly over -- this writing is being done from the couch of our own little apartment, admist the clutter of a tiredly unpacked car. It'll be ending on a good note, though, as today was a very good one. Awaking refreshed and well rested this morning, we hopped in the car and wound up our way up route 236 to Big Basin Redwood State Park again. Bought a day permit, spent a few minutes packing our lunches, and we were soon winding our way past the trunks of trees that were already old when Columbus first set foot in the "New World." A few were likely old enough to have been alive when Christ was born; they towered over us, massive, peaceful things that scraped at the sky. Our hike took us out Sunset trail, down Berry Creek Falls Trail, and returned via Skyline to the Sea Trail, and showed to us three magnificent waterfalls -- Golden Cascade, Silver Falls, and Berry Creek Falls. Each beautiful, and each with its own character. Golden Cascade was a tri-level slide that flowed over what looked to be a golden colored sandstone, the water spread wide and covered the whole face of it, and it had the look of a water wreathed Mayan pyramid about it. Silver falls was a continuation of Golden, except more of a true fall, rather than a slide. The color of the rock beneath was hidden by the white of the falling water, and it's name suited it. Berry Creek Falls was the largest of the three by volume, because another creek had joined by that point -- by height I'd be hard pressed to name the winner between Berry or Silver. Berry had a broad lip, and some of the water ran down in rivulets and some shot out over the edge with vigor. It all ended up at the bottom, but by such different paths that I would think all the droplets must have had much to discuss as they rushed off downstream -- but instead it was a curiously quite and peaceful stream that left the foot of the falls. Come the end of the 11-mile loop, we were both tired and content to be done, especially since we hadn't quite recovered from our hike on the 18th, but were smiling and happy all the same. And thusly went our Honeymoon.


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