Monday, February 28, 2005

"When a ball dreams, it dreams it is a frisbee." - Stancil Johnson

Every once in a while, it feels really good to get outside and run around as hard as you possibly can. An all out, arms flailin', legs pumpin' sprint for all that you've got. If you feel like giving yourself a reason to do that, try Ultimate Frisbee.

The rules are pretty similar to soccer, except there're endzones instead of goals and the guy with the ball (er, Frisbee) can't move. But in soccer, you can't really outrun the ball -- in Ultimate, you can. So when a pass goes wide, instead of chasing after the ball expecting it to eventually slow down you launch into full-sprint mode to outrun and catch up to the frisbee -- before it hits the ground! Good excercise. And a hell of a lot of fun.

We played it for the first time yesterday with a group called Sacramento Ultimate which I can't say enough good things about. Not only is it great that they're doing a series of beginner clinics (free!), but they just seem to be wonderful people with a focus on having fun. If you're in the Sacramento area, I highly recommend dropping by their website and going to their next Sunday clinic in Grant park.


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